
Code of Conduct

The host of FREEFLO seek to ensure everyone’s enjoyment of the event and expects attendees will adhere to all our event policies.

Prohibited behavior at FREEFLO and the conference hotel premises includes harassment for any reason or any conduct that has the purpose or effect of interfering with another person’s ability to enjoy and participate in the conference.

If any attendee, hotel guest, employee, or other person requests that you stop a prohibited behavior, whether directed at them or not, please do so immediately.

Report prohibited behavior as soon as possible to a conference volunteer or call 321-804-3373. Reports will be handled with sensitivity and confidentiality. The Board will review any report and may revoke an attendee’s conference attendance. Possible violations of law will be referred to law enforcement.

Scent-Free / Chemical-Free Policy

In support of members of our community that experience chemical sensitivity, FREEFLO is a low fragrance/fragrance free conference. We request everyone attending FREEFLO use no fragrance, fragrance-free, or low fragrance products. Fragrance-free personal products are the safest option for those who experience chemical sensitivities.  Products labeled fragrance-free mean no chemical fragrances have been added.   Unscented means chemicals have been added to take away smells which can be harmful to those who experience chemical sensitivity.

COVID-19 - Updated 5 March 2023

We know our attendees are scientifically-minded, support vaccination, and want to be safe. We also know that, at the time of this update, the Community Risk Level is LOW in all of Central Florida and a majority of Florida counties. Bivalent COVID-19 boosters are readily available. Our attendees have attested to being vaccinated, and the number of attendees with doctor-authorized vaccine waivers is near zero (two persons as of 5 March).

Due to the low level of community transmission, the self-attested screening process at registration, and the high level of vaccination among attendees, we have relaxed our face covering requirement for FREEFLO 2023.

Face covers are strongly encouraged while seated in the audience, but not required

We are providing face coverings and suggest you wear one over your nose and mouth at all times while not eating or drinking. However, this is a suggestion and not a requirement. Please respect and abide by the badge stickers selected by other attendees.

Color-coded badge stickers will again be used at FREEFLO 2023. When you check in, you may select a sticker in red, yellow, or green to let others know your comfort level with personal contact.

You should NOT attend FREEFLO if any of the following are true:

  1. You have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

  2. You have tested positive for COVID-19 in the 10 days before FREEFLO.

  3. In the 10 days before FREEFLO, you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.

  4. In the past 48 hours before FREEFLO, you have experienced any of these symptoms:

    • Fever or chills

    • New or unexpected onset of cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing?

    • New or unexplained loss of taste or smell

    • New or unexplained muscle aches

If any of these are true when you would arrive at FREEFLO, do not attend and Contact us regarding a refund.

Close Contact is defined as less than 6 feet away from an infected person (laboratory-confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. For example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes. People who are exposed to someone with COVID-19 after [that someone] completed at least 5 days of isolation are not considered close contacts. (Source CDC)


There is a transaction fee (we pay to the vendor) for all purchases. Refunds requested before Friday, 10 February 2023 will be subject to those fees (currently 5.7%). Beginning on 10 February, a 25% administrative fee will be withheld since we have financial obligations to the venue and other vendors that we must meet. While we are currently hopeful and planning that FREEFLO will happen as scheduled, if it must be held online due to circumstances beyond our control, we will offer a substantial reimbursement of part of your registration fees.


You may take photos and brief videos of speaker presentations and panels (45 seconds or less). Audio or video recording for longer periods is not permitted. Tripods may not be placed for recording without permission from FREEFLO organizers.

Our volunteer photographer will be taking candid and posed photos for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, please let him know.